
The idea of using parallel imaging to shorten the acquisition time by the simultaneous use of multiple receive coils can be adapted for the parallel transmission of a spatially-selective multidimensional RF pulse. As in data acquisition, a multidimensional RF pulse follows a certain k-space trajectory. Shortening this trajectory shortens the pulse duration. The use of multiple transmit coils, each with its own time-dependent waveform and spatial sensitivity, can compensate for the missing parts of the excitation k-space. This results in a maintained spatial definition of the pulse profile, while its duration is reduced. This work introduces the concept of parallel transmission with arbitrarily shaped transmit coils (termed "Transmit SENSE"). Results of numerical studies demonstrate the theoretical feasibility of the approach. The experimental proof of principle is provided on a commercial MR scanner. The lack of multiple independent transmit channels was addressed by combining the excitation patterns from two separate subexperiments with different transmit setups. Shortening multidimensional RF pulses could be an interesting means of making 3D RF pulses feasible even for fast T(2)(*) relaxing species or strong main field inhomogeneities. Other applications might benefit from the ability of Transmit SENSE to improve the spatial resolution of the pulse profile while maintaining the transmit duration.

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