
This paper addresses the stochastic security constrained unit commitment (SSCUC) problem with flexibility resources for managing the uncertainty of wind power generation (WPG). Departing from the traditional flexibility resources such as the thermal units with fast up/down spinning reserves and transmission switching (TS), this paper explores also the use of demand response (DR) and energy storage (ES) systems in an innovative integrated scheme. The proposed scheme utilizes a stochastic optimization framework to coordinate the flexibility resources dealing with the uncertainty of WPGs and equipment failures. The stochastic optimization model is formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming (MIP), and this problem is large and computationally complex even for medium sized systems. Accordingly, we present a novel accelerating decomposition technique aimed at solving this problem and reducing the number of iterations and CPU time. Numerical simulation results on the modified 6-bus system and on large-scale power systems, i.e. IEEE 118 and 300-bus systems, clearly demonstrate the benefits of applying flexibility resources for uncertainty management and the efficacy of the proposed solution strategy for large-scale systems.

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