
SUMMARYThe aster leafhopper (Macrosteles fascifrons), injected with an isolate of Spiroplasma citri obtained from brittle root‐diseased horseradish (Armoracia rusticana), transmitted the spiroplasma to horseradish and China aster (Callistephus chinensis.) After feeding on plants infected with S. citri, M. fascifrons transmitted the spiroplasma from aster to aster and horseradish, from yellow rocket (Barbarea vulgaris) to aster, and from turnip (Brassica rapa) to turnip. Symptoms in infected horseradish were chlorosis and stunting of newly formed leaves, discoloration of root phloem, and reduced plant growth typical of brittle root disease. Chlorosis, stunting, and asymmetry of young leaves occurred in affected aster and turnip. Flowers of infected aster were small and pale in colour and occasionally showed other symptoms including asymmetry, petal distortion, or light green petals. Spiroplasmas were isolated from all plants showing symptoms. Transmission rates by M. fascifrons which acquired S. citri by feeding on infected plants were very low, but injected leafhoppers transmitted more frequently. This is the first report of the transmission of S. citri from diseased to healthy plants by M. fascifrons.

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