
Cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and MeV He+ channelling methods have been used to examine different damage structures present under the color bands visible at the surface of a high-dose-rate P+ implanted (111) Si implanted to a dose of 7.5×1015 ions/cm2. TEM and channelling results obtained from individual colored regions showed a good qualitative correlation in that discrete damage layers observed in the cross-sectional TEM micrographs appeared as discrete peaks in the channelled spectra. The mean depths of the damage layers obtained from these two methods were in agreement. However, the widths of the deeper lying damage layers calculated from the channelling measurements were always greater than the widths observed by TEM. An empirical method based on subtraction of dechannelling background in the channelling spectra gave damage layer widths that were in close agreement with the TEM results.

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