
Abstract— Frontier Mountain (FRO) 90054, from Antarctica, is a rare clino‐ and orthopyroxene‐bearing ureilite with a coarse equigranular oriented texture (grains up to 3 mm); it is classified as a low‐shock Ca‐rich type. The crystal chemistry of its clinopyroxene (Wo39.3En54.6Fs6.1), orthopyroxene (En84 2Fs11Wo4.8) and olivine (Fa12.6Fo86.9) was investigated by single‐crystal x‐ray structural refinements and transmission electron microscope (TEM) observations to obtain data on the evolutionary history of the parent body. The M1 octahedron and unit cell volumes of the orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene are consistent with low‐pressure crystallization. The closure temperatures for intracrystalline Mg‐Fe2+ ordering yielded values of 674 °C and 804 °C for opx and 596 °C for cpx, which indicate high‐temperature equilibration and fast cooling.Trasmission electron microscope investigations were performed on clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene and pigeonite. The (100) twin lamellae in the clinopyroxene and intergrowth of clino‐ and orthoenstatite lamellae in orthopyroxene most probably originated by deformation. Exsolution was not observed in any of the phases, which suggests rapid cooling. Analysis by TEM also revealed interstitial Na‐rich glass and pigeonite with sharp h + k odd reflections and rare stacking faults parallel to (100). Textural and crystal chemical data, obtained by TEM, indicated rapid cooling that was probably due to fast radiative heat loss as a result of the disintegration of the parent body into small fragments, which subsequently reassembled into a larger body. One or more collisional events caused fine‐scale stacking faults and partial melting.

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