
PATHOGENIC avian mycoplasma are of great economic concern to the chicken and turkey industries (Anonymous, 1963; Yoder, 1965). Research endeavors have been very productive in broadening our knowledge concerning the various serotypes that have been identified (Adler, 1960; Edward and Kanarek, 1960; Kleckner, 1960; Yoder and Hofstad, 1964). The importance of egg transmission of the different serotypes in the perpetuation of avian mycoplasmosis has been further elucidated (Adler et al., 1956; Fabricant et al., 1959; Olesiuk and Van Roekel, 1960; Van Roekel et al., 1952, 1958; Yamamoto et al., 1965; Yoder and Hofstad, 1964). The universal existence of these organisms among domestic poultry has been confirmed (Yoder, 1965). The serological tests have been improved and have served as useful tools in the diagnosis of the disease (Adler, 1954, 1958; Cover et al., 1960; Crawley and Fahey, 1957; Dierks, 1963; Hofstad, 1957; Jungherr et al., 1955). Attempts to control avian mycoplasmosis …

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