
Summary The regulation of shoot growth of Cornus sericea L. by photoperiod and plant growth regulators was studied. In Cornus , short days (SD) induce dormancy; long days (LD) favor continued shoot growth. When plants were grown with one branch in SD and one branch in LD, a dormancy-inducing stimulus from a foliated branch in SD caused a dormant bud to form on a defoliated branch in LD. Conversely, growth promoters from a foliated branch in LD prevented dormancy in a defoliated branch in SD. A single pair of SD leaves induced dormancy in a plant in LD if no LD leaves were between the SD leaves and the apex. Exogenous abscisic acid did not induce dormancy in LD; GA 3 (1 mM), translocated from treated leaves prevented dormancy in SD. Ancymidol (20 μmol) induced dormancy in LD. Gibberellins were implicated as dormancy regulators in Cornus . Translocation is discussed as a criterion for assessing the possible role of growth regulators in dormancy.

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