
Transmissibility is a mathematical model that relates a subset of a system’s outputs to another subset of outputs of the same system without knowledge of the external excitation or the dynamics of the system. This study investigates fault detection, localization, and mitigation of connected autonomous vehicles (CAV) platoons using transmissibility operators. A CAV platoon is a network of connected autonomous vehicles that communicate together to move in a specific path with the desired velocity. Failure in a physical component of a vehicle, or failure in the form of an internal delay, a cyber-attack, or a communication time-delay affects the safety and security of the CAV platoons. In this paper, we use measurements from sensors available in CAV platoons to identify transmissibility operators, which are used for health monitoring, fault localization, and fault mitigation in the platoon. We first consider the case of vehicle-to-cloud communication (V2C) to monitor the platoon’s health. Then, we assume that the platoon loses communication with the cloud, and we monitor the health of the platoon based on vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication. We apply the proposed technique to a model of the platoon obtained using the bond graph approach, and an experimental setup consisting of three connected autonomous robots.

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