
Glycans are one of the four biopolymers of the cell and they play important roles in cellular and organismal physiology. They consist of both linear and branched structures and are synthesized in a nontemplated manner in the secretory pathway of mammalian cells with the Golgi apparatus playing a key role in the process. In spite of the absence of a template, the glycans synthesized by a cell are not a random collection of possible glycan structures but a distribution of specific glycans in defined quantities that is unique to each cell type (Cell type here refers to distinct cell forms present in an organism that can be distinguished based on morphological, phenotypic and/or molecular criteria.) While information to produce cell type-specific glycans is encoded in the genome, how this information is translated into cell type-specific glycome (Glycome refers to the quantitative distribution of all glycan structures present in a given cell type.) is not completely understood. We summarize here the factors that are known to influence the fidelity of glycan biosynthesis and integrate them into known glycosylation pathways so as to rationalize the translation of genetic information to cell type-specific glycome.

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