
Identifying ageism among dental students is essential in gerodontology courses. This study aimed to perform a preliminary validation of a Malay version of the ageism scale for dental students (ASDS-My). The 27-item ASDS were translated into Malay language and completed by 168 dental students. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) with Promax rotation, Polychoric Correlation Matrix and Principal Axis Factoring was conducted. Internal consistency reliability and discriminative validity were analysed. Criterion validity was measured by comparing ASDS-My with Fraboni Scale of Ageism (FSA). A Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin of 0.612 and a Bartlett's Test of Sphericity yielding p<.001 confirmed the adequate factorability. EFA revealed a 15-items scale distributed into five-factors explaining 54.5% of overall variance, with acceptable reliability. The two factors involved cost-benefit of dental treatment on older patients and challenges during medical history taking. The third, fourth and fifth factors explained attitude towards older patients, negative views of older patients and exposure of dental students to Gerodontology training and experiences respectively. Most factors were significantly positively related to FSA. Discriminative validity revealed significant differences for gender, place of stay and year of study. Preliminary validation of the ASDS-My produced a five-factors 15-items scale with acceptable validity and reliability.

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