
The interaction and mutual influence of language and culture is a field of intensive research, as a result of which, along with a number of new disciplines and concepts, the concept of a linguistic and ethnic barrier has emerged, which appears as a discrepancy in linguistic terms and in terms of cultural differences. The intercultural approach allows and forces a new look written translation and translation activities. It is well known that the peculiarities of the culture and social life of a people are reflected in their language and in the totality of the background knowledge of a native speaker. Therefore, translation is not a simple comparison of two different language systems, but also the contact of two different cultures. Culture arises and operates in a specific niche and consists of local and common components. It is obvious that it is precisely due to local components that nationally specific differences in the linguistic picture of the world are formed, leading to intercultural misunderstanding. However, Kazakhstan’s experience in building a multicultural society allows us to confidently speak about the possibility of local cultural development, in which the culture of each nation harmoniously interacts with other cultures. Of course, translation plays a special role in this, facilitating the exchange of oral and shift information, cultural code between representatives of different ethnic groups, forming a bridge between different cultures.

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