
In the field of translation studies, it has been researched how good translation should be done, how translation affects other literary and cultural systems, how translation is carried out to produce the desired response, who influences translation, how translation can be said to be a tool for mastering marginalized groups, and Finally, how to observe the translation features of the translated text database. The flow of this development leads to a conclusion that research in the early days started from the essence of translation and shifted and branched to things that were not closely related to the essence of translation, e.g. postcolonial studies in the field of translation. However, some try to come back with a new tool (corpus study). From the point of view of the language industry, there is an irresistible trend. The first trend is that the industry now views translation as a means to achieve communication goals (business, politics, culture, etc.). The second trend is better computer technology and the increasingly widespread use of cloud computing. As a result, this development, supported by economic globalization, has forced many changes in professions related to the language industry.

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