
We study the Kolmogorov flow with weak stratification. We consider a stabilizing uniform temperature gradient and examine the transitions leading the flow to chaotic states. By solving the equations numerically we construct the bifurcation diagram describing how the Kolmogorov flow, through a sequence of transitions, passes from its laminar solution toward weakly chaotic states. We consider the case when the Richardson number (measure of the intensity of the temperature gradient) is $$Ri=10^{-5}$$ , and restrict our analysis to the range $$0<Re<30$$ . The effect of the stabilizing temperature is to shift bifurcation points and to reduce the region of existence of stable drifting states. The flow reaches chaotic configurations through two different routes, one involving drifting states, the other involving a gluing bifurcation. Along the latter route we observe, as the precursor to chaotic states, a period tripling bifurcation.

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