
When a minimum on the potential energy surface is surrounded by multiple saddle points with similar energy barriers, the transition pathways with greater prefactors are more important than those that have similar energy barriers but smaller prefactors. In this paper, we present a theoretical formulation for the prefactors, computing the probabilities for transition paths from a minimum to its surrounding saddle points. We apply this formulation to a system of 2 degrees of freedom and a system of 14 degrees of freedom. The first is Brownian motion in a two-dimensional potential whose global anharmonicities play a dominant role in determining the transition rates. The second is a Lennard-Jones (LJ) cluster of seven particles in two dimensions. Low lying transition states of the LJ cluster, which can be reached directly from a minimum without passing through another minimum, are identified without any presumption of their characteristics nor of the product states they lead to. The probabilities are computed for paths going from an equilibrium ensemble of states near a given minimum to the surrounding transition states. These probabilities are directly related to the prefactors in the rate formula. This determination of the rate prefactors includes all anharmonicities, near or far from transition states, which are pertinent in the very sophisticated energy landscape of LJ clusters and in many other complex systems.

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