
ABSTRACTOptical absorption spectra of d-d transitions can be interpreted through crystal field theory as evidence for at least four kinds of species: traditional network modifier ions (Mn2+, Fe2+, and Ni2+), octahedral complexes (Cr3+, Mn3+), tetrahedral complexes (Co2+, Fe3+), and network-forming ions (Ti4+, Fe3+). Absorption spectra measure only majority species since crystal field bands are broad and overlapping. Luminescence spectra reveal minority species if these species happen to be efficient emitters under laser excitation. Doublet-quartet emission bands (Cr3+) are independent of crystal field but allow the distinction between species because of small differences in bonding which shifts the Racah B parameter. Quartet-sextet emission (Mn2+, Fe3+) is strongly dependent on coordination number and bond lengths. Qualitative, but not quantitative, changes in speciation can be followed as glass composition is varied. Conceptually, the complexation of transition metal ions in insulator glasses results from a competition between the transition metal and the glass-forming framework for p-orbital electrons of non-bridging oxygens. Complexation is further enhanced in clustered glasses where the ions segregate into the more depolymerized units.

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