
Chapter 3, “Transition Metal Carbonyl Compounds,” focuses on complexes of transition metals that involve at least one carbonyl ligand. Included here are syntheses of the homoleptic compounds [Et4N][V(CO)6],V(CO)6, and Ru3(CO)12, as well as for several compounds of primary interest as synthetic intermediates, such as the neutral M(0) compounds Mo(CO)3(py)3 and W(CO)4(dppe) and salts of the anionic M(I) complexes [Rh(CO)2Cl2]− and [Ir(CO)2I2]−. Also represented are procedures that illustrate the formation of carbonyl ligands from the reaction solvent, e.g., DMF, as for the useful intermediate [PPN][Ru(CO)2Cl3(DMF)]. Further compounds derived from these intermediates include a Mo(II) allyl complex, TpMo(CO)2(η3-CH2CHCHCO2CH3), a W(0) fullerene-60 derivative, W(CO)3(dppe)(C60), a CVD precursor, Ru(CO)2(hfac)2, a thiolate-bridged dimer, {Ir(μ-StBu)(CO)2}2, and a water-soluble Rh(I) phosphine complex, Na6[Rh(CO)Cl{PC6H4SO3}2].

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