
We have simulated the time evolution of the photon number distribution in a semiconductor quantum dot-microcavity system driven by chirped laser pulses and compare with unchirped results. When phonon interactions with the dot are disregarded - thus corresponding to the limit of atomic cavity systems - chirped pulses generate photon number distributions that change their shape drastically in the course of time. Phonons have a strong and qualitative impact on the photon statistics. The asymmetry between phonon absorption and emission destroys the symmetry of the photon distributions obtained for positive and negative chirps. While for negative chirps transient distributions resembling thermal ones are observed, for positive chirps the photon number distribution still resembles its phonon-free counterpart but with overall smoother shapes. In sharp contrast, using unchirped pulses of the same pulse area and duration wave-packets are found that move up and down the Jaynes-Cummings ladder with a bell-shape that changes little in time. For shorter pulses and lower driving strength Rabi-like oscillations occur between low photon number states. For all considered excitation conditions transitions between sub- and super-Poissonian statistics are found at certain times. For resonant driving with low intensity the Mandel parameter oscillates and is mostly negative, which indicates a non-classical state in the cavity field. Finally, we show that it is possible that the Mandel parameter dynamically approaches zero and still the photon distribution exhibits two maxima and thus is far from being a Poissonian.

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