
Defossilization of the global energy system requires a transition towards intermittent renewable energy sources and approaches that enable efficient conversion of primary energy sources into electrical energy. Due to their high efficiency in converting chemical into electrical energy and vice versa, solid oxide cell (SOC) systems provide solutions for both of these aspects. Within this contribution, two researched cases utilizing SOC's are presented, based on simulation studies and experiments.Characteristically, SOC reactors produce hydrogen from steam in solid oxide electrolysis (SOE) mode, or electricity from reformates in solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) mode. An application of both modes as reversible solid oxide cell (rSOC) is to balance a renewable power supply with storage and power production, leading to high utilization of the same equipment. An application in SOFC mode is the maritime transportation powertrain. In both cases, transient operation is needed whenever mode transitions occur. In particular, switching between rSOC modes implies transitioning exothermal SOFC, endothermal, thermoneutral and exothermal SOE operation. Similarly, supplying the power demand of a maritime drivetrain in SOFC mode leads to various exothermic levels, as pertinent to part or full load operation. Operating strategies are needed to suppress potentially damaging thermal stresses during these transitions in the electrochemical SOC reactors. In order to identify such operating strategies, experiments have been carried out and a transient model has been developed for the analysis of rSOC mode-switching and SOFC drivetrain power supply, which are presented in this study. The 1D+1D SOC dynamic multi-reactor model includes the individual SOC reactors, piping and insulation, and is implemented in the in-house developed transient energy process system simulation framework TEMPEST [1,2]. The model couples the transient balances of mass and energy with electrochemistry, internal reforming kinetics, heat transfer, and flow distribution. As a result, temperature and voltage characteristics at cell, stack, and module levels are obtained to analyze for e.g. unwanted thermal stress. In the EU project SWITCH [3], experiments were performed at DLR with a Large Stack Module (LSM) from SolydEra (formerly SOLIDpower) to validate the model in transient 75 kW electrolysis mode, 25 kW fuel cell mode and mode-switching operation between electrolysis and polygeneration mode. The so called polygeneration mode refers to simultaneous generation of hydrogen and electricity at partial fuel utilization with natural gas, biogas or e-methane. Simulative studies of mode-switching procedures from SOE to SOFC-mode polygeneration show that drawing fuel cell current soon after reaching open circuit voltage and sufficiently in advance of the methane ramp completion leads to a reduced temperature decrease at the inlet of the cell without reaching oxygen to carbon ratios low enough to favor carbon deposition. In the EU project NAUTILUS [4], the mismatch between the transient response possibilities of SOFC systems and the power demand of a ship is addressed by connecting Li-ion batteries to the powertrain. Batteries respond to highly transient ship load demand changes, while the SOFC’s provide base part load to full load, according to a power split control strategy. A battery model developed and parametrized by the Chair for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Systems of RWTH Aachen University [5] was added to TEMPEST and validated using DLR experiments with a 40 kWh Li-ion battery. Simulation results of the SOFC-battery hybrid in Figure 1 show that a rule-based power split control strategy [6] ensures that the power demand of the ship is met at all times while the battery state of charge (SoC) remains within specified range, and the SOFC power is drawn at one of three fixed power levels for reduced thermal stress. An experimental campaign to test this and other control strategies with a 32 kW LSM from SolydEra and the 40 kWh battery is in progress at DLR. Acknowledgements Project SWITCH has received funding from the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking (now Clean Hydrogen Partnership) under Grant Agreement No 875148. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program, Hydrogen Europe and Hydrogen Europe Research. Project NAUTILUS has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 861647.

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