
The transient flushing of neutrally-buoyant pollutants from a naturally ventilated enclosure is investigated. A simplified transient model for buoyancy-driven natural ventilation produced by a point source of heat is presented to describe the ventilation development from the plume generation to its steady state. The instantaneous thermal stratification interface height and ventilation flow rate and the time taken for the flow to reach the steady state are then examined by the transient model. The results indicate that the decrease of the thermal stratification interface height with dimensionless time, the steady-state interface height and the dimensionless time taken for the flow to reach the steady state are only determined by the dimensionless effective area of the vents. The ventilation flow rate can be increased by decreasing the enclosure floor area or increasing the effective vent area, enclosure height or source buoyancy flux. Accordingly, for rooms with smaller floor area, larger effective vent area or larger source buoyancy flux, ventilation airflow provides more effective flushing of neutrally-buoyant pollutant. Nevertheless, increasing the enclosure height is only beneficial to flush the pollutant from the lower layer rapidly and is disadvantageous to reduce the pollutant concentration of the upper layer.

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