
Rapid, transient changes of the membrane potential upon light transitions are generally observed in microelectrode studies. In a patch-clamp study similar responses to light transitions were found in current clamp. Corresponding with the changes of membrane potential, light-induced current changes in voltage clamp were observed. This paper evaluates the involvement of outward rectifying conductances and plasma membrane bound H+-ATpases (proton pump) to these light responses in mesophyll protoplasts of Nicotiana tabacum L. The contribution of K+-channels to these responses, could be minimized by variation of the holding potential or addition of the K+-channel blocker verapamil. It was concluded that light transitions modulate both proton pump and K+-channel activity. Effects of light on membrane current were not observed in root cells and chlorophyll-deficient cells, suggesting that the response requires photosynthetic activity. However, blockers of photosystems I and II did not affect current changes.

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