
Kluver and Bucy first described a series of behavioral abnoralities after bilateral temporal lobectomy in rhesus monkeys in 939 [1]. Kluver–Bucy syndrome (KBS) consists of the following ymptomatology, (1) psychic blindness, (2) strong oral tendencies, 3) hypermetamorphosis: a strong tendency to attend and react to very visual stimulus, (4) changes in emotional behavior or absence f emotional reactions and (5) an increase in sexual activity. Cerebral edema following subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) has ecently been proposed as an important predictor of poor outcome 2–4]. It usually known as global cerebral edema initiated by tranient global ischemia, however, the authors report a case of the ransient KBS probably caused by localized cerebral edema which ccurred following severe SAH.

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