
To what extent do cholesterol-rich lipid platforms modulate the supramolecular organization of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR)? To address this question, the dynamics of AChR particles at high density and its cholesterol dependence at the surface of mammalian cells were studied by combining total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy and single-particle tracking. AChR particles tagged with a monovalent ligand, fluorescent α-bungarotoxin (αBTX), exhibited two mobile pools: i) a highly mobile one undergoing simple Brownian motion (16%) and ii) one with restricted motion (∼50%), the rest being relatively immobile (∼44%). Depletion of membrane cholesterol by methyl-α-cyclodextrin increased the fraction of the first pool to 22% and 33% after 15 and 40 min, respectively; the pool undergoing restricted motion diminished from 50% to 44% and 37%, respectively. Monoclonal antibody binding results in AChR crosslinking-internalization after 2 h; here, antibody binding immobilized within minutes ∼20% of the totally mobile AChR. This proportion dramatically increased upon cholesterol depletion, especially during the initial 10 min (83.3%). Thus, antibody crosslinking and cholesterol depletion exhibited a mutually synergistic effect, increasing the average lifetime of cell-surface AChRs∼10 s to ∼20 s. The instantaneous (microscopic) diffusion coefficient D 2–4 of the AChR obtained from the MSD analysis diminished from ∼0.001 µm2 s−1 to ∼0.0001–0.00033 µm2 s−1 upon cholesterol depletion, ∼30% of all particles falling into the stationary mode. Thus, muscle-type AChR exhibits heterogeneous motional regimes at the cell surface, modulated by the combination of intrinsic (its supramolecular organization) and extrinsic (membrane cholesterol content) factors.


  • In brain synapses, variations in the number of neurotransmitter receptors and the time they spend at the surface membrane directly affect synaptic efficacy and plasticity, that is, long-term potentiation (LTP), long-term depression (LTD) and other biologically important synaptic phenomena

  • In the present work we studied the dynamics of the a2de-type adult muscle acetylcholine receptor (AChR) at the plasma membrane of CHO-K1/A5 cells tagged with a monovalent ligand or a polyvalent ligand

  • We imaged AChR of CHO-K1/A5 cells under through-objective fluorescence Total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy at the maximal acquisition rate afforded by our imaging system, gaining enhanced contrast and temporal resolution at the expense of spatial resolution in order to characterize the dynamics of these receptor particles in the living cell

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Variations in the number of neurotransmitter receptors and the time they spend at the surface membrane directly affect synaptic efficacy and plasticity, that is, long-term potentiation (LTP), long-term depression (LTD) and other biologically important synaptic phenomena. The AChR is the prototype of the family of Cys-loop receptors within the superfamily of rapid ligand-gated ion channels. In adult myotubes, this protein is highly concentrated in a small area juxtaposed and restricted to the nerve terminal, patched at the extraordinary density of 10,000–20,000 particles/mm, its density falling sharply in the rest of the plasma membrane to less than , 100 particles/mm refs [1,2]. This in turn is directly related to the number of receptors present at the synapse, which depends on the equilibrium between two sets of factors: i) lateral diffusion into and out of the synaptic region from non-synaptic (‘‘extrasynaptic’’) areas, and ii) the trafficking and turnover of receptors at the cell surface, determined by the rate and extent of biosynthesis and exocytic delivery to the plasmalemma on the one hand, and removal of surface receptors by internalization (endocytosis) on the other

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