
This study examined the temporal appearance of c- fos expression in rat cerebella from birth to postnatal day 21 (P21) and following systemic kainic acid administration in adults. During development, Fos positive granule cells appeared first at P3 in caudal lobules and extended to all folia by P9. These reactive cells occurred in clusters throughout the granular layer and reached their highest reactivity by P15. In addition, Fos positive basket and stellate cells were seen in the molecular layer at this time. A steep decline in Fos protein labeling of the cerebellum began by P18 and was barely detectable in adulthood. In adult rats, systemic injection of kainic acid induced c- fos expression in granule cells and stellate/basket interneurons within 1 h of treatment. Fos reactive granule cells appeared in clusters with some forming distinct parasagittal bands in caudal folia. One day after unilateral cerebellar lesioning, a limited number of reactive cells were found on the lesion margins. A combination of lesioning and systemic kainic acid produced a strong, c- fos expression throughout the ipsilateral granular layer as well as in Purkinje cell nuclei. Contralateral to the lesion, the pattern of granule cell reactivity appeared the same but slightly stronger than those with kainate alone. We conclude that c- fos gene expression occurs transiently in granule cells during postnatal development and can be rapidly re-induced in the adult following systemic injection of glutamate agonists. The c- fos expression patterns suggest that subpopulations of granule cells are clustered and related to the parasagittal compartments of Purkinje cells.

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