
The complaint in this case was the periodic occurrence of abdominal tumor. The patient was the only child of young and healthy parents, though the mother might be said to be of a nervous temperament. The birth weight was 11¾ pounds and the labor was tedious, though a head presentation, delivery being finally effected, after forty-eight hours, by instrumentation. No difficulty was experienced, however, in establishing respiration, and the infant was normally nourished until two days after birth, when a promising lactation for some reason failed. After this the child ran the gauntlet of proprietary foods, including Eskay's, Mellin's and finally Horlick's malted milk, which was continued well into the second year. He sat up at five months, began the eruption of teeth at eight months and walked at nineteen months. With the exception of frequent attacks of rhinitis, to correct which an adenoid operation was performed at the age

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