
Approximately one in 2000 babies are born with craniosynostosis, and primary open repair is typically performed before 1 year of age. Historically, the procedure has been associated with nearly 100 percent transfusion rates. To decrease the rates of transfusion, the authors' center has developed a novel multimodal blood conservation protocol. The authors administered their standard of care to children aged 1 year or younger undergoing primary repair of craniosynostosis between 2008 and 2014. In 2014, the authors implemented the following protocol: (1) preoperative erythropoietin and ferrous sulfate, (2) local anesthetic with epinephrine infiltration of the incision, (3) PlasmaBlade incision and subgaleal dissection, (4) hypervolemic hemodilution, and (5) intravenous tranexamic acid. Procedures performed before the protocol implementation served as controls. The authors performed classic fronto-orbital advancement with anterior cranial vault remodeling for coronal and metopic craniosynostosis. For lambdoid and sagittal craniosynostosis, barrel stave osteotomies, cranial base outfracture, and interposition bone grafting were performed. A total of 279 children with a mean age of 6 months who had craniosynostosis repairs were included. One hundred forty-five underwent repair before the authors' protocol, and 134 had repairs during the authors' blood conservation protocol. Both groups were similar in demographics. Overall blood loss and operative times were significantly reduced by 73 percent and 11 percent, respectively. Blood transfusion rate decreased 92 percent (p < 0.001). These results show a strong association between the authors' blood conservation protocol and significantly reduced transfusion rates. The authors believe this is a significant step forward and can be safely applied in the great majority of children undergoing craniosynostosis repairs. Therapeutic, III.

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