
The crises of the beginning of the 21st century changed the political landscape of modern Germany, which was manifested in increasing right-wing radicalism. As the party identity of the far-right transforms, they shift from being marginal nationalist anti-migrant forces, contradicting the democratic culture of Germany, to movements which defend identity and rights, including womens rights. Thus, the far-right in Germany claim to become a part of the civic culture that includes the right to criticize and disagree with the governments policies. The article examines how far-right parties interact with the female electorate on the example of the Alternative for Germany party. The study highlights the main activities of the Alternative for Germany in attracting womens votes, based on the analysis of the partys political program, interviews with party members and media materials. These activities include the orientation towards the socio-economic issues, concerning women, the consideration of the migrant problem through the prism of the Muslim threat towards women, the protection of the interests of conservative women, the attraction of women as party leaders. The author pays a special attention to female right-wing activists, as independent actors in the political life of Germany. Based on the cases of Beate Zschpe, Francisca Berit and #120db movement, the following interests of female activists were determined: opposing to gender mainstreaming, which threatens the traditional family structure, and opposing to Islam as a source of violence against women. Alternative for Germany aims at strengthening its positions among all women, whose rights are an integral part of European identity, therefore, the actualization of womens involvement in the movement becomes not only instrumental, but also of value nature. More radically oriented female activists get involved in the European Identitarian movement.


  • The crises of the beginning of the 21st century changed the political landscape of modern Germany

  • which was manifested in increasing right-wing radicalism

  • they shift from being marginal nationalist anti-migrant forces

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Включение женской проблематики в партийную повестку становится необходимым залогом успеха на выборах, так как в современных условиях партии «добиваются наибольшего успеха, когда могут заявить, что могут повести за собой женщин-избирателей» [Campbell 2016:594]. Широкое распространение «женской повестки» приводит к тому, что партийные элиты также сами часто заинтересованы в максимальной репрезентативности своих партийных списков, поэтому они сознательно выдвигают женщин в качестве кандидатов [Celis, Erzeel 2017].

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