
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, Two-Spirit, and other sexual and gender minority (LGBTQ+) individuals encounter numerous obstacles to equity across health and healthcare, education, housing, employment, and other domains. Such barriers are even greater for LGBTQ+ individuals who are also Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), as well as those who are disabled, and those who are working-class, poor, and otherwise economically disadvantaged, among other intersecting forms of oppression. Given this, an evaluation cannot be equitable for LGBTQ+ people without meaningfully including our experiences and voices. Unfortunately, all evidence indicates that evaluation has systematically failed to recognize the presence and value of LGBTQ+ populations. Thus, we propose critical action steps and the articulation of a new paradigm of LGBTQ+ Evaluation. Our recommendations are grounded in transformative, equitable, culturally responsive, and decolonial frameworks, as well as our own experiences as LGBTQ+ evaluators and accomplices. We conclude by inviting others to participate in the articulation and enactment of this new paradigm.

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