
In response to the numerous calls for the physical therapy profession to position itself as an equity and social justice-centered profession, we are called to provide aspiring physical therapists with the skills to dismantle inequities and injustice in their communities. Exposure to health inequity and injustice through conceptual and experiential learning alone does not prepare students to create positive change and may serve to perpetuate stereotypes and offer simplistic solutions to complex problems. We argue that a traditional service-learning model lacks transformative potential for bringing about social change. Therefore, we introduce critical service-learning, compare it with the traditional model in the context of physical therapy experiential learning, and provide rationale and guidance on transitioning to this educational approach. We believe critical service-learning is an action-oriented approach that works to identify the root causes of social and structural determinants and accept personal and shared responsibility for acting to ameliorate their effects. Critical service-learning experiences require critical reflection and call for intentional design including teacher training, rich community engagement, student assignments that challenge current paradigms, and use of evaluative measures that assess community goals. These aspects add to the historically practiced traditional model. We invite educators to shift to critical service-learning, an approach that has great potential for benefiting all interested parties in meaningful and long-lasting ways. Critical service-learning holds the opportunity for our profession to be better positioned to transform society.

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