
The June 2022 landmark decision from the US Supreme Court in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization removed the federal constitutional protection for abortions, leading to an immediate, profound impact on reproductive rights for people of all ages and, thus, on the practice of the medical providers who serve them. The Dobbs ruling forced a swift and drastic change in the availability of comprehensive reproductive care available to pregnant teens. Further, it led to confusion, fear, and moral distress regarding how pediatricians could legally provide counseling on reproductive choices. Pediatricians were left scrambling to understand the rapidly evolving laws in each state, while also attempting to interpret these new statutes for our trainees. Pediatric educators need to understand the impact of the Dobbs ruling on the education of pediatric trainees. The repercussions for the entirety of pediatric graduate medical education are widespread. Recruitment and retention of both trainees and faculty are jeopardized. Curricula and patient care opportunities for reproductive health training have been limited. Additionally, the ethical and legal implications of our work have been called into question, thus affecting the moral standing and professional identity development of pediatric trainees. As pediatric health educators, it is imperative that we take a lead role in teaching and mentoring our trainees to provide comprehensive reproductive health care to all patients, with an emphasis on the principles of reproductive justice. This will entail additional training in advocacy skills essential to ensure a just, equitable future for all our pediatric and adolescent patients.

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