
With more than 30% of global data originating from health care, deriving usable insights that improve health requires population health analytics. In neurology, data-driven approaches have grown in significance because of digital health records and advanced analytics. A vital aspect of this evolution is adopting a population health data strategy (PHDS). Crafting a tailored PHDS for neurology involves cataloging data points and measures spanning demographics, clinical history, genetics, and social determinants. Neurologic outcomes include mortality rates, functional and cognitive abilities, and imaging results. A robust strategy relies on interoperability, advanced analytics, and transparent AI algorithms. Neurology is embracing data-driven health care. The PHDS synthesizes diverse patient data to provide personalized care. It includes a wide range of outcome measures to address neurologic complexities. Advanced analytics and collaboration among neurologists, data scientists, and business leaders uncover hidden patterns and promote outcome-driven medicine in the 21st century.

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