
Transforming educational practices with digital technology has become a major focus in facing dramatic changes in the education system. In this era full of disruption, the role of e-books is increasingly prominent as an innovative learning tool. By providing easy access to a variety of learning resources, e-books enable student-cantered learning, facilitate personalization of learning, and encourage active learning. In addition, it allows learning that is not bound by time and space constraints. However, the challenges faced in using e-books must also be considered, including the availability of adequate digital infrastructure and the need for training for educators to use e-books effectively with successful implementation requiring solid support from all stakeholders and efforts to overcome barriers that exists. The research method used is qualitative research with a Millesand Hubberman. Data was collected through interviews with teachers, students and school administrators who have used e-books in their learning process. Data analysis was carried out using the thematic analysis method. So, the findings from this research are that the use of e-books has great potential to change educational and learning practices in an era of educational disruption. It is recommended to be able to use e-books as a valuable medium in preparing students to face future challenges with a deep understanding of the role of e-books in the era of educational disruption, which is important for optimizing the potential of digital technology in improving the quality of learning.

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