
Introduction. Currently, the strategic task of government is to ensure an effective mechanism for its functioning, so that the state treasury is filled and, at the same time, there is no pressure on business development. Income taxation of enterprises has a serious impact on the development of entrepreneurship, as it can both stimulate and discourage its development. The application of an effective system of corporate income tax, provided a guarantee of reliability of accounting and analytical information will allow participants in the tax system to make effective management decisions on the formation, completeness and timeliness of corporate income tax. Purpose. The purpose of the study is to summarize the theoretical aspects of the organization, corporate income tax as a regulatory tool of the national economy, identify the main problems of its accounting and control of market conditions and justify proposals for their solution, processing and development of practical aspects of improving the practice of tax collection. Method (methodology). Based on the methods of system-structural analysis, comparison, causal analysis and argumentation, the problems of collecting income tax of different countries, its accounting and analytical support and control in the introduction of the classical European model of income tax are detailed. Results. The task of state administration to ensure an effective mechanism for the functioning of the tax system as one of the main levers of state regulation of the economy is studied. Using the foreign experience of developed countries, an approach to solving the issues of filling the budget (budget deficit) and minimizing the pressure on business development is proposed. The impact on the country's economy of the results of tax transformation with minimal losses for business and the state has been studied. It is proposed to solve the problem of reducing the fiscal efficiency of corporate income tax, which will allow the business sector to develop with renewed vigor.

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