
During the study of the transformation of the educational process in the COVID-19 pandemic on the example of NSU we identified four main areas of such transformation: 1) transfer of the educational process from classroom classes to online classes using the Portal of educational electronic information systems. In this direction of research the results of data received from the Center of Information Technologies of the University were interpreted, the number of students’ appeals to the portal was compared, their own vision of the obtained results was given; 2) transformation of the work of the scientific library. In this regard, it was determined that the quarantine restrictions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, the library quickly adapted to changes in the organization of scientific and educational processes at the University, provided a wide range of library and information services, educational activities online / offline. The total number of users on a single account, the number of applications from students for certificates, the number of “physical applications” to the scientific library during the implementation of distance learning were analyzed; 3) increasing the digital competencies of teachers to ensure a quality educational process has become the third area of research. It was found that the digital competencies of teachers in the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic have become important due to the need to ensure a quality educational process and the impossibility of using conventional forms of teaching (teaching disciplines in classroom format, testing papers in paper form) etc). We conducted a survey of students of different courses and faculties on their assessment of digital competencies of teachers. The sample consisted of 509 respondents, representing three faculties: the Faculty of Prosecution, the Faculty of Justice, the Faculty of Advocacy. The results show that in general students rate the digital literacy of teachers above average; 4) increasing the digital competencies of students to acquire knowledge is defined by us as the fourth area of research. The obtained results testify to the importance of mastering digital competencies by teachers and students of the educational institution, the need for their continuous improvement, as well as the relevance of the issues under consideration.

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