
This article presents the results of the study of the transformation of the concept of MONEY in the everyday consciousness of the speakers of Russian linguoculture in the period from the end of the XX to the first third of the XXI century and a description of its actual content. The relevance of this study is due to significant changes in the realities of life in the specified period, which could not but be reflected in everyday consciousness, as well as the use of a special methodology for studying concepts. The study was conducted within the framework of a triangulation approach, using a combination of three methods of various humanities: associative experiment, the method of pictorial associations and a sociological survey. The combination of these methods allows the author to comprehensively study the subject and get the most complete picture of the subject being studied. As a result of the analysis, significant changes in the structure and content of the concept of MONEY for the specified period were revealed, changes in their perception as a phenomenon were revealed, their domestic status determined, and the place of financial well-being in the value system of ordinary carriers of lingvoculture determined. The proposed methodology and the presented conclusions can be used in conducting other psycholinguistic studies, as well as be useful to sociologists and economists. We see the prospect of further research in further monitoring of changes in the concept of MONEY, as well as in further improvement of the methodology used.

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