
Introduction. This article deals with the problem of the evolution of law in time and space. The transformation of law is subject to certain factors. In a sense, they can also be considered as regularities. Conventionally, they can be divided into internal and external. Internal are those by virtue of which law is in development, obeying the cause-and-effect relationships of its being. External ones act on the law, modifying its content, forms and principles of regulatory influence. Theoretical Basis. Methods. The theoretical basis of the article is the works of foreign and domestic thinkers and scientists in the field of the history of political and legal doctrines, as well as doctrinal sources devoted to the study of the problems of the development of legal science in the context of globalization and digitalization of all areas of life of modern mankind. In preparing the article, the following methods of scientific research were used: the method of materialistic dialectics, historical and legal, comparative legal, formal legal, analysis, synthesis. Results. The article focuses on such categories as time and space. It is suggested that any institutions, including law, are formed by the space (territory) and the prevailing form of management on it. Democracy, as a product of trade, is intentionally oriented towards the expansion of its political and legal institutions in order to obtain maximum economic advantages. In such societies, merchants are at the top of the social pyramid. Agricultural civilizations potentially gravitate toward autarky, closed economic turnover, authoritarian political regimes, and centralized legal regulation. The elite of such societies is the aristocracy. Discussion and Сonclusion. Political, industrial, religious and technological revolutions change the social architecture somewhat. Nevertheless, such trends persist today, despite the relatively new principles of economic organization at the national, regional, global levels. The subjects of the spread of legal institutions are most often a soldier, a merchant, a missionary.

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