
The period after the events of the Arab Spring, which began in 2011, is identified byalargenumberofdisputesanddiscussionsabouttheregionalpolicyoftheIslamicRepublicof Iran, not only at the level of the Republic itself, but also in the international geopoliticalarena.Inaddition,attentionwasalsopaidtothedevelopmentofastrategicplanforIrananditsroleintheregionagainstthebackgroundofthefactthatIran,aftertheIslamicRevolutionof 1979, did not lose its relevance in the study of political scientists and related specialists. Thepurpose of this article is to research and analyze howIran’s strategic plan works and what itsrole is in the Middle East region since the beginning of 2011. This academic study asserts thatregional policy of Iran is a unique blend of ideology and pragmatism that allows Iran to realizeitsobjectiveasanation-stateintheinternationalsystem.Iran’sregionalpolicyhastakenashift away from fighting the United States in order to maintain its regional position and resistthetrendthatthreatenstheresistance.Theresearchfollowedcontentanalysismethodologyand document analysis was done from secondary data. The article concluded that Iran’s policyhas changed primarily as a result of shifts in regional and international political dynamics.Iran’s international balancing laws, which aim to balance international powers against threats,reinforcethesesignificantchanges.

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