
A key problem of contemporary static and kinematic positioning is the problem of transformation of conformai coordinates of universal Mercator projection (UMP) type from a local datum (regional, national) to a global datum, for instance, the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84) with reference to Boyle (1987). Such a problem is met if we use WGS 84 GPS‐derived ellipsoidal coordinates of a point for localization in a local chart of UMP type. In this article we derive and test the equations of a curvilinear datum transformation of ellipsoidal GPS coordinates in a global datum to conformai coordinates of UMP type in a local datum. The curvilinear datum transformation includes three parameters for translation, three parameters for rotation, one scale parameter, and two form parameters which account for a change in the semimajor axis and in the relative eccentricity of the reference ellipsoid.

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