
The problem of formation of statistical reporting as administrative data by the judicial bodies of Ukraine is considered. The situation regarding the publication of judicial statistics by the statistical organization of the European Commission and statistical bodies of some foreign countries is analyzed. The necessity of forming the state statistical survey “Implementation of administrative proceedings” on the basis of judicial statistics data is substantiated.
 It is noted that high-quality information of the State Statistical Survey (hereinafter – SSS) on administrative proceedings in Ukraine is necessary to make informed, sound management decisions to protect the rights, freedoms and interests of citizens and rights and interests of enterprises, institutions and organizations, the constitutional order Ukraine, the established law and order, strengthening the rule of law, prevention of violations by the subjects of power.
 The experience of the Federal Statistical Office of the Federal Republic of Germany, the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova and statistical institutions of other countries has been studied. For Ukraine, which is trying to achieve the level of democratic, social, legal state, there is an urgent need to resolve a range of legal, political and socio-cultural issues related to creating favorable conditions for comprehensive protection of the rights and interests of individuals and legal entities which is the foundation of economic development of the country. An important role in ensuring such level is played by judicial statistics, which is formed, in particular, in the implementation of administrative proceedings. At the same time, the use of statistical research methods as a result of consideration of administrative cases by court helps to better understand the peculiarities of socio-economic development of our state, to assess the effectiveness of public authorities and courts.
 It is concluded that the results of observations on administrative proceedings should be freely available on the official website of the State Statistics Service with reference to sources of such information, namely, according to the State Judicial Administration of Ukraine, local administrative courts, Courts of Appeal, Administrative Court of Cassation of the Supreme Court.

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