
Hassan Hanafi is one of the contemporary Islamic scholars who gives considerable attention to classical Islamic theology (kalam Islam). For him Islamic theology, such as the Ash’ari’s Kalam, cannot be proven scientifically also philosophically. Classical Islamic theology practically cannot be used as a view that can motivate the increasing of concrete actions in human life. This is caused by the compilation of classical Islamic theology tends not to be based on the pure awareness and the values of human actions. So that this creates a split between the theoretical faith into the practical faith of ummah. In turn, this conditions create the multiple moral attitudes or secretism of personality that makes Islamic society worse in poverty, oppression, backwardness and ignorance. For this problems, Hassan Hanafi offered a reconstruction that is to change a more grounded theological paradigm; that is from theocentric (God is the central of everything) to be anthropocentric (humanbeing is the central of everything). If the first paradigm sees world affairs as a matter of God, then the second paradigm sees world affairs as human affairs.


  • Hassan Hanafi adalah salah satu pemikir Islam kontemporer yang memberikan perhatian cukup besar terhadap teologi Islam klasik

  • Classical Islamic theology practically cannot be used as a view that can motivate the increasing of concrete actions in human life

  • This is caused by the compilation of classical Islamic theology tends not to be based on the pure awareness and the values of human actions

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Pada fase-fase terakhir pemerintahan al-Khulafa’ al-Rasyidin, usaha dan semangat pembebasan masyarakat dari ketertindasan, diskriminasi dan ketidak adilan sosial, tampak mulai memudar dari ritme kehidupan umat Islam. Kusnadiningrat, Teologi dan Pembebasan, Gagasan Islam Kiri Hassan Hanafi Hal ini juga yang menyebabkan Hassan Hanafi tertarik pada pemikiran Sayyid Qutb, seperti halnya tentang prinsip-prinsip keadilan sosial dalam Islam.[28]. Dari pengalaman hidup yang ia peroleh sejak masih remaja mem­ buat ia memiliki perhatian yang begitu terhadap persoalan umat Islam karena, meskipun tak secara sepenuhnya mengabdikan diri untuk sebuah pergerakan tert­entu, Hanafi pun banyak terlibat langsung dalam kegiatan-kegiatan per­ gera­kan-pergerakan yang ada di Mesir. Hanafi kemudian meneguhkan hatinya dengan mengatakan:” ini yang menjadi pilihan saya hingga sekarang”, yakni memadukan musik dengan filsafat.[47]

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