
We study restrictions imposed by quantum mechanics on the process of matrix elements transfer. This problem is at the core of quantum measurements and state transfer. Given two systems $\A$ and $\B$ with initial density matrices $\lambda$ and $r$, respectively, we consider interactions that lead to transferring certain matrix elements of unknown $\lambda$ into those of the final state ${\widetilde r}$ of $\B$. We find that this process eliminates the memory on the transferred (or certain other) matrix elements from the final state of $\A$. If one diagonal matrix element is transferred, ${\widetilde r}_{aa}=\lambda_{aa}$, the memory on each non-diagonal element $\lambda_{a\not=b}$ is completely eliminated from the final density operator of $\A$. Consider the following three quantities $\Re \la_{a\not =b}$, $\Im \la_{a\not =b}$ and $\la_{aa}-\la_{bb}$ (the real and imaginary part of a non-diagonal element and the corresponding difference between diagonal elements). Transferring one of them, e.g., $\Re\tir_{a\not = b}=\Re\la_{a\not = b}$, erases the memory on two others from the final state of $\A$. Generalization of these set-ups to a finite-accuracy transfer brings in a trade-off between the accuracy and the amount of preserved memory. This trade-off is expressed via system-independent uncertainty relations which account for local aspects of the accuracy-disturbance trade-off in quantum measurements.

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