
Epidemic data are presented, possible causes analyzed and the dangers of observed in recent years expansion of existing areas of viral infections, including the introduction of the agent to the non-endemic area, evaluated. At the present time there is a significant expansion of the ranges of some zooantroponozes pathogens, particular filovirus Ebola and arboviruses - Rift Valley fever, Zika, Chikungunya. When extending the boundaries of epidemic foci in the new territory for the pathogen, can occur aggravating of clinical manifestations of the disease and increase mortality among the indigenous population. Extremely hazardous exotic viral hemorrhagic fever (Ebola, Marburg, Lassa) when transfer with sick people in some cases, can cause contamination of the contact persons. Rift Valley fever - one of the most aggressive arboviruses, in the case of importation can form stable epidemic foci. Transfer of Zika fever in the territory of the Russian Federation has not represent substantial epidemiological value. Epidemiological factors, essential for the formation of new areas of pathogens may include the presence of permissive candidates in natural hosts and vectors, the climatic conditions. Role of socio-economic factors is significant. Among of environmental factors is the important role of some trace elements, including selenium, involved in the regulation of homeostasis and which faults occur in the upward virulence virus mutating. In parts of Africa and Asia, with soils poor in selenium, were first introduced pathogens or highly virulent strains of influenza A, SARS, Ebola and of SIV, and drifts on these and similar areas have led to an increase in the virulence of viruses.

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