
Solute transport experiments using a non-reactive tracer were conducted on short, undisturbed, saturated columns of a sandy loam soil. All columns, 20 cm in diameter and 20 cm long, were collected along a transect of 35 m. Most of the soil columns had pre-existing macropores. The columns were leached at a steady flow-rate under ponding conditions. The resulting breakthrough curves (BTCs) showed a large heterogeneity. Several of the BTCs displayed early breakthrough and long tailing. All the data were interpreted in terms of dimensional time moments, the classical convection-dispersion equation (CDE) and the mobile-immobile transport model (MIM). Experimental time moments were found to vary significantly among the different BTCs. Analysis of the time moments also revealed that the variance of the field-scale BTC was several times larger than the average of the local-scale variance. The pore water velocity v and dispersion coefficient D were obtained by fitting the CDE to the local-scale BTCs, resulting in an average dispersivity of 7.4 cm. Frequency distributions for the CDE parameters v and D were equally well described by a normal or log-normal probability density function (pdf). When a log-normal pdf for D is considered, the variance of the loge transformed D values (σ 1nD 2 ) was found to be 2.1. For the MIM model, two additional parameters were fitted : the fraction of mobile water, θ m /θ, and the first-order mass transfer coefficient, a. The MIM was more successful in describing the data than the CDE transport model. For the MIM model, the average dispersivity was about 2 cm. The MIM parameters v, D and θ m /θ were best described by a log-normal pdf rather than a normal pdf. Only the parameter α was better described by a normal pdf. Mobile water fractions, θ m /θ ranged from 0.01 to 0.98, with a mean of 0.43 (based on a log-normal pdf). When the CDE and MIM were applied to the data, the fitted pore water velocities, v, compared favourably with the effective pore water velocities, v eff , obtained from moment analysis.

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