
This paper represents an inaugural attempt to relate transpraxis to transdisciplinarity. After providing overviews of Nicolescuian transdisciplinarity (especially ontology), praxis, and transpraxis, their juxtaposition revealed that augmenting transdisciplinarity with transpraxis and vice versa is a noteworthy addition to both strands of thought. Transdisciplinarity gains reflexivity, dialogic exchange, transpraxis space, contingent universalities and provisionality, and the notion of deconstructing self-serving hierarchies. Transpraxis gains a rich methodology for creating new knowledge emergent from deconstructing self-serving hierarchies and binaries. It is enriched with the zone of nonresistance, the unifying Hidden Third, and a richer notion of resistance in the form of multiple levels of Reality. Researchers and practitioners are encouraged to build on the narrative shared in this paper and conceptualize the neologism transdisciplinary transpraxis as a new phenomenon.

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