
Each year international students from Asia enroll in the study programs implemented by the Faculty of E-Learning Technologies and Humanities of Riga Technical University. It is interesting to note that some of these students come with the preliminary knowledge of the Latvian language at level A2 and some even at level B1 according to CEFR, which they have acquired in their home country. Therefore, one of the tasks the instructor should complete within the study course “Latvian as a Foreign Language” is to select appropriate pedagogical contents and methods that would not only facilitate acquisition of a foreign language, but would also promote positive attitude to the country and culture which language is being acquired. Adoption of the transdisciplinary approach is one of the options. Resting on these premises, the paper analyzes the experience of the author through the prism of trans-disciplinary pedagogical approach. Delivering the study course “Latvian as a Foreign Language” to the students with preliminary knowledge, the instructor shall not focus solely on expanding student vocabulary range and training in grammatical regularities. It is important to develop understanding about the cross-cultural dialogue and include the elements of creativity in the curriculum. Both components are connected with the transdisciplinary approach. Transdisciplinary pedagogical approach may be really challenging for the instructor. Interest, involvement and eagerness to expand one’s knowledge play a crucial role. Attitude becomes a category of self-education. One of the options implementing the above-mentioned approach is to invite a guest lecturer – a professional in a definite field – to deliver a class together. It is not only the students who benefit from this practice but also the instructor, as in such a way self-education process occurs. Transdisciplinary pedagogical approach opens to both students and the instructor a wider, more comprehensive perspective on different areas of research and culture, their interconnectedness and contexts, as well as promotes awareness of the fact that the borders among the areas are not set but rather are flexible. Before delivering a practical class based on the transdisciplinary approach, it is necessary to design a precise action plan comprising several action points: selection of the relevant theme and a guest lecturer, getting ready for the class, delivery of the transdisciplinary class, polling the student after the practical class, or getting feedback. Only successfully completing each action point included in the plan both students and the academic staff may reach the desired positive outcome.

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