
The two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae is an important pest with an exceptionally broad host plant range. This generalist rapidly acclimatizes and adapts to a new host, hereby overcoming nutritional challenges and a novel pallet of constitutive and induced plant defenses. Although recent studies reveal that a broad transcriptomic response upon host plant transfer is associated with a generalist life style in arthropod herbivores, it remains uncertain to what extent these transcriptional changes are general stress responses or host-specific. In the present study, we analyzed and compared the transcriptomic changes that occur in a single T. urticae population upon long-term transfer from Phaseolus vulgaris to a similar, but chemically defended, host (cyanogenic Phaseolus lunatus) and to multiple economically important crops (Glycine max, Gossypium hirsutum, Solanum lycopersicum and Zea mays). These long-term host plant transfers were associated with distinct transcriptomic responses with only a limited overlap in both specificity and directionality, suggestive of a fine-tuned transcriptional plasticity. Nonetheless, analysis at the gene family level uncovered overlapping functional processes, recruiting genes from both well-known and newly discovered detoxification families. Of note, our analyses highlighted a possible detoxification role for Tetranychus-specific short-chain dehydrogenases and single PLAT domain proteins, and manual genome annotation showed that both families are expanded in T. urticae. Our results shed new light on the molecular mechanisms underlying the remarkable adaptive potential for host plant use of generalist arthropods and set the stage for functional validation of important players in T. urticae detoxification of plant secondary metabolites.

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