
Toxic Microcystis bloom is a tough environment problem worldwide. Microcystin is highly toxic and is an easily accumulated secondary metabolite of toxic Microcystis that threatens water safety. Biodegradation of microcystin by protozoan grazing is a promising and efficient biological method, but the mechanism in this process is still unclear. The present study aimed to identify potential pathways involved in resisting and degrading microcystin in flagellates through transcriptomic analyses. A total of 999 unigenes were significantly differentially expressed between treatments with flagellates Ochromonas fed on microcystin-producing Microcystis and microcystin-free Microcystis. These dysregulated genes were strongly associated with translation, carbohydrate metabolism, phagosome, and energy metabolism. Upregulated genes encoding peroxiredoxin, serine/threonine-protein phosphatase, glutathione S-transferase (GST), HSP70, and O-GlcNAc transferase were involved in resisting microcystin. In addition, genes encoding cathepsin and GST and genes related to inducing reactive oxygen species (ROS) were all upregulated, which highly probably linked with degrading microcystin in flagellates. The results of this study provided a better understanding of transcriptomic responses of flagellates to toxic Microcystis as well as highlighted a potential mechanism of biodegrading microcystin by flagellate Ochromonas, which served as a strong theoretical support for control of toxic microalgae by protozoans.

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