
Peach fruit is prone to chilling injury (CI) during low-temperature storage, resulting in quality deterioration and economic losses. Our previous studies have found that exogenous trehalose treatment can alleviate the CI symptoms of peach by increasing sucrose accumulation. The purpose of this study was to explore the potential molecular mechanism of trehalose treatment in alleviating CI in postharvest peach fruit. Transcriptome analysis showed that trehalose induced gene expression in pathways of plant MAPK signaling, calcium signaling, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) signaling. Furthermore, molecular docking analysis indicated that PpCDPK24 may activate the ROS signaling pathway by phosphorylating PpRBOHE. Besides, PpWRKY40 mediates the activation of PpMAPKKK2-induced ROS signaling pathway by interacting with the PpRBOHE promoter. Accordingly, trehalose treatment significantly enhanced the activities of antioxidant-related enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), and gluathione reductase (GR), as well as the transcription levels AsA-GSH cycle related gene, which led to the reduction of H2O2 and malondialdehyde (MDA) content in peach during cold storage. In summary, our results suggest that the potential molecular mechanism of trehalose treatment is to enhance antioxidant capacity by activating CDPK-mediated Ca2 + −ROS signaling pathway and WRKY-mediated MAPK-WRKY-ROS signaling pathway, thereby reducing the CI in peach fruit.

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