
Female fertility depends greatly on the capacity of the uterus to recognize and eliminate microbial infections, a major reason of inflammation in the endometrium in many species. This study aimed to determine the in vitro effect of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) ligands on the transcriptome genes expression and alternative splicing in the porcine endometrium in the mid-luteal phase of the estrous cycle during LPS-stimulated inflammation using RNA-seq technology. The endometrial slices were incubated in vitro in the presence of LPS and PPARγ agonists-PGJ2 or pioglitazone and antagonist-T0070907. We identified 222, 3, 4, and 62 differentially expressed genes after LPS, PGJ2, pioglitazone, or T0070907 treatment, respectively. In addition, we detected differentially alternative spliced events: after treatment with LPS-78, PGJ2-60, pioglitazone-52, or T0070907-134. These results should become a basis for further studies explaining the mechanism of PPARγ action in the reproductive system in pigs.

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