
Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium has two manganese transport systems, MntH and SitABCD. MntH is a bacterial homolog of the eukaryotic natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 1 (Nramp1), and SitABCD is an ABC-type transporter. Previously we showed that mntH is negatively controlled at the transcriptional level by the trans-acting regulatory factors, MntR and Fur. In this study, we examined the transcriptional regulation of sitABCD and compared it to the transcriptional regulation of mntH by constructing lacZ fusions to the promoter regions with and without mutations in putative MntR and/or Fur binding sites. The presence of Mn caused transcriptional repression of the sitABCD and mntH promoters primarily via MntR, but Fur was also capable of some repression in response to Mn. Likewise, Fe in the medium repressed transcription of both sit and mntH primarily via Fur, although MntR was also involved in this response. Transcriptional control by MntR and Fur was disrupted by site-specific mutations in the putative MntR and Fur binding sites, respectively. Transcription of the sit operon was also affected by the oxygen level and growth phase, but the increased expression observed under high oxygen conditions and higher cell densities is consistent with decreased availability of metals required for repression by the metalloregulatory proteins.

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