
Specialized dendritic cells (DCs) within the thymus are crucial for the deletion of autoreactive T cells. The question of whether these cells arise from intrathymic precursors with T-cell potential has been hotly debated, and the regulatory pathways and signals that direct their development remain unclear. Here, we compared the gene expression profiles of thymic DC subsets with those of four early thymic precursor subsets: early T-cell precursors (ETPs), double-negative 1c (DN1c), double-negative 1d (DN1d) and double-negative 1e (DN1e) subsets. We found that the DN1d subset expressed Spi-B, HEBCan, Ccr7 and Ccr4, similar to thymic plasmacytoid DCs, whereas the DN1e subset expressed Id2, Ccr7 and Ccr4, similar to thymic conventional DCs. The expression of Ccr7 and Ccr4 in DN1d and DN1e cells suggested that they might be able to migrate towards the medulla (low in Dll proteins) and away from the cortex (high in Dll proteins) where early T-cell development occurs. We therefore assessed the sensitivity of developing DC precursors to Dll-Notch signaling, and found that high levels of Dll1 or Dll4 were inhibitory to DC development, whereas medium levels of Dll4 allowed DC development but not myeloid development. To evaluate directly the lineage potential of the ETP, DN1d and DN1e subsets, we injected them into nonirradiated congenic hosts intrathymically or intravenously, and found that they were all able to form medullary DCs in vivo. Therefore, DN1d and DN1e cells are transcriptionally primed to home to the thymus, migrate into DC-permissive microenvironments and develop into medullary DCs.

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